Saturday, March 22, 2008

Ankor Wat

Well I just got back from Ankor Wat and the Siem Reap area of Cambodia, its my 3rd visit there in the past ten years. When I first went there ten years ago it was just a very sleepy dusty Cambodia town, beaten by years of war and torture. If you were an outlaw that would be the place to hide out. Now its a bustling tourist town with millions of tourists visiting every year from all over the world. For us photographers its a feast for the eyes and lens, with  every corner of the city telling a story of torment and beauty. 
As you can tell I really don't have that many images of the temples, I think because everyone has the same ones, so I decided to display images that I captured. I guess as a photojournalist I'm compelled to to take images that are a bit more meaningful. 

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